2 Million+ Mantralekhan mark crossed
It is glad to know that this site have more than 1400 registered users who have done nearly 20,00,000+ “Swaminarayan†mantralekhan and counting.
It is all our enthusiastic participation. We all feel really proud on achieving this milestone especially when no promotion about this site is being done anywhere.
1.5 lacs mantralekhan per day
Let us now resolve to do 108 Mantralekhan daily. Think if we just spend 5 minutes daily, we will have 1.5 lacs mantralekhan daily. These mantralekhans are a collective contribution from all over the world’s swaminarayan satsangies to our beloved Maharaj.
1 New Member Every Week
Let us also resolve to make atleast one new member every week, this is thus a movement in accordance with the Mission of “પાંદળે પાંદળે સà«àªµàª¾àª®àª¿àª¨àª¾àª°àª¾àª¯àª£ નામ” i.e. “Swaminarayan” at each leaf of this world. So why dont we invite each Swaminarayan satsangi to this site for 5 minutes. This way we all collectively resolve to reach 2000+ users mark before the end of May.