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One Successful Year

It is glad to announce that today is “Vasant Panchmi”. Mantralekhan.com was launched on this day last year. We have successfully finished one year with over 18.6 Million Mantralekhans through 2400+ users. However, the time has again come to promote mantralekhan.com to as many as friends you can invite to mantralekhan.com and doing 108 mantralakehans each day is pretty much practical to easy to contribute 108 mantralekhans with in 10 mins.

Lets begin the new year of Mantralekhan.com with great ambitions and collectively put our efforts and contribution to promote this from now.

Mantralekhan Team Activity

For a long time average mantralekhan count, as we all know, are slowly coming down. Mantralekhan team is now trying upon to increase the mantralekhan experience. So that’s keeping it busy.

Let’s re-revolutionize, start contributing 108 mantralekhan daily.

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50 Lakhs Mantralekhan Mark Crossed 2 Crore Mantralekhans

Total Mantralekhan by register users and counting..